
Friday Jan 19, 2018
EP 22: Not Negotiable Planning Explained
Friday Jan 19, 2018
Friday Jan 19, 2018
Ever wondered how incredibly busy and productive people seem to have it all. They can get things done, go out with their friends and still have time to do the washing. Well a "Not Negotiable Plan" is the best way to achieve this. This podcast explains how it works, how it can help you and your students and more importantly, why. On my YouTube Channel there is a 3 part video series showing you how to execute this fantastic plan. For more tips and tricks, check out www.klerrisacustommusic.com.au

Friday Jan 12, 2018
EP 21: How to Set Up a Google Site
Friday Jan 12, 2018
Friday Jan 12, 2018
In this podcast I review the new google sites platform and how it can best be used for student portfolios. There is a supporting video on my YouTube Channel. For more fantastic resources for Music Teachers go to www.klerrisacustommusic.com.au

Saturday Dec 02, 2017
EP 20: How to Create an Ensemble Development Plan.
Saturday Dec 02, 2017
Saturday Dec 02, 2017
In this episode of 10 Min Tips to Teach Music, I talk to teachers about how to create an ensemble development plan. Whether it be instrumental or vocal, a development plan can really help you and the students to focus on specific goals and targets throughout the year. In the podcast, I chat about the groups I currently run and how I have built them into the ensembles that they are today. Ensembles that are a beacon in the schools publicity to the wider community. Ensembles that allow the students to mature and grow musically and more importantly, ensembles that offer the students pride in themselves and the team they choose to be a part of.

Friday Nov 17, 2017
EP 19: The Russian 5
Friday Nov 17, 2017
Friday Nov 17, 2017
This Podcast features the audio from a support video for the first of a series of Ebooks created by Klerrisa Custom Music called "The Nationalists". The podcast talks about the Russian 5 however, the ebook features the music of 5 composers, with the activities being based on score reading and analytical skills. This Ebook features one work by each of the five composers – Sibelius, Ives, Bartok, Janacek and Prokofiev. This is perfect for those studying the HSC Additional Topic of Music from 1900 – 1945. This is perfect for a flipped classroom or for independent study. Access to the internet is essential. To review the resource, go to http://www.klerrisacustommusic.com.au

Friday Nov 10, 2017
EP 18: My top 5 online resources
Friday Nov 10, 2017
Friday Nov 10, 2017
Hey Guys
I have had a few people contact me asking for some assistance with online sources. So that has sparked me into creating my top 5 online resources and putting it in this weeks podcast. I figure, if one person is interested, then others might be.
I created a youtube video showing you the online locations for those that are visual. Just head on over to my youtube channel. For those that just want the links, you can find them on the website.

Friday Nov 03, 2017
EP: 17 What is Unity in Music? - Part 2
Friday Nov 03, 2017
Friday Nov 03, 2017
Unity in music seems like an easy topic to address but there might be something in this podcast that you might not have thought about. I use one of Beethoven's String Quartet to help demonstrate how unity is used in very simple terms. This is a great little resource for you to use in Years 7 through to 12. To access the PDF, head on over to http://www.klerrisacustommusic.com.au/access-area/

Saturday Oct 28, 2017
EP 16: Contrast Vs Unity Vs Variety - Part 1
Saturday Oct 28, 2017
Saturday Oct 28, 2017
This week's podcast is just a little taste test of how to distinguish between Contrast, Variety and Unity. All three words are slightly different and students need to be trained in how best to manipulate the information that they might have. Next week I am going to expand on this and show you how you can ID specifics from a score or a recording, and create responses that are slightly different depending on the use of contrast, variety or unity. Check out the supporting document at www.klerrisacustommusic.com.au/latest-news

Sunday Oct 22, 2017
EP 15: Flipping the Rite of Spring
Sunday Oct 22, 2017
Sunday Oct 22, 2017
This week on 10 Min Tips to Teach Music, I got through the process I use to teach the Rite of Spring by Stravinsky. I flip this in my classroom and if you are new to flipping, it might be of interest. Fiipping allows you more time to focus on higher order thinking skills through discussion and analysis. It also offers the student the opportunity to understand at their own pace and feel that they are in charge of their own education. In the Access Area, you will find the resources I talk about in the podcast.